Bridging People and Possibilities  |  A Service of  Tyndale University
This Month's Sponsor
Pastoral Imagination Annual Gathering: 

You are not alone on this journey of serving the Kingdom. Join us in celebrating what God is doing in the Greater Golden Horseshoe and connecting with like-minded leaders of faith at the very first Pastoral Imagination Annual Gathering.

enCompass Ministry Pastor, Winnipeg Chinese Alliance Church

enCompass Ministry Pastor, Winnipeg Chinese Alliance Church

Company: enCompass Ministry, Winnipeg Chinese Alliance Church
Contact Person: Pastoral Search Committee
261 Colony Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba , R3C 1W4
Phone: 2047911318

Position Description

Winnipeg Chinese Alliance Church (WCAC) is seeking a full-time English-speaking pastor to lead and shepherd our English-speaking enCompass ministry (enCompass) from youth to adult. Come join us and build a community of believers in the heart of Canada.  

  • enCompass is a diverse congregation of about 70 people ranging from youth to retirees. It is comprised of families with children and youth and young professional adults.
  • enCompass members are primarily second-generation Canadian Chinese with other non-Asian nationalities.
  • WCAC is affiliated with Christian and Missionary Alliance (Alliance Canada)
  • WCAC has four ministries – Cantonese, Mandarin, enCompass and Children and Youth
  • WCAC has over 500 attendees: 200+ Cantonese, 200+ Mandarin, 80+ Children and Youth
  • WCAC has been established for over 55 years.

We are seeking a Pastor who has a strong sense of calling to lead this church community; a passion to share his love for God; and a shepherd's heart to care and build this ministry. 

To view the full Job description & information on how to apply, please go to our website


Posted: June 14, 2023 | Renewed: March 28, 2024 | Expires: September 28, 2024
Posted Under: Pastoral
Career ID: [ 13333 ]